World Christian Missionary Resources - Helping you reach your world for Jesus

Capitol City Baptist College

Capitol City Baptist College!capitol-city-baptist-institute/cf27

This Bible college is probably low priced. This ministry does not list the prices online. The church that sponsors the Bible College is an independent Baptist church.

Capitol City Baptist College is a ministry of Capitol City Baptist Church which provides a thorough understanding of the Word of God and how it applies to practical living. Emphasis is placed on equipping young people with practical knowledge to serve the Lord in any capacity, whether on the mission field or in a local church. It is our desire to teach our Baptist heritage and the importance of upholding that heritage in this generation. We want to produce a generation of fervent Christians who are balanced, well-trained, and fully committed to serving the Lord.

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World Christian Missionary Resources - Helping you reach your world for Jesus

Visitors since August 20, 2005.

World Christian Missionary Resources