World Christian Missionary Resources - Helping you reach your world for Jesus

Share Jesus Without Fear Book, dvd, and cd in 23 Languages

Share Jesus Without Fear
By William Fay and Ralph Hodge

Share Jesus Without Fear equips you to communicate your faith in Jesus with confidence and without fear. This book is easy-to-use and has relational approach to witnessing. It teaches that you cannot fail in sharing your faith if you depend on the power of God for the results.

Share Jesus Without Fear at LifeWay

Share Jesus Without Fear is available in different languages. You can look for the language of your choice at LifeWay.

Share Jesus Without Fear Audio CD

Share Jesus Without Fear is also available in audio CD. You can buy the audio version of this book at

Share Jesus Without Fear Book in 23 Languages

Online Store With Share Jesus Without Fear Book

Looking for an easy-to-understand, step-by-step, no-more-excuses guide to sharing Jesus? You just found it! From his simple yet probing "Share Jesus Questions" to his list of ready responses for 36 common objections, Fay provides everything you need to get people witnessing with confidence. Includes appendixes of questions, Scriptures, and scripts. Great for group study. 195 pages, softcover from B&H.

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World Christian Missionary Resources - Helping you reach your world for Jesus